JKCCC  introduces facilitation of Drag Lift & Ski services at Sonamarg with effect from 10th Feb- 2025

Offer Rates 

Full Day :

Ski Equipment @₹300

Lift charges @₹200

Half Day:

Ski Equipment @₹ 150

Lift charges @ ₹100

( 50% concession for students  on Ski Equipment )

In the interest of tourism and in league to the committement to serve the tourists in a better way  with conviction to curb any kind of black marketing and hoarding of tickets,  the JKCCC has decided to  provide on spot Cabin Ticketing Facility to tourists for Gulmarg Gondola Project Phase-1in Slot -1. The tickets shall be provided only to those tourists who report at GGP Waiting Hall Counter  from 8:00am to 8:30am and board the Cabins directly  w.e.f., 22 January 2025 to 15th of March 2025. The mechanism has been put in place on trial basis for a period of 15 days. The Cabin Ticketing Facilitation shall strictly close at 8.30 am.

Cable car corporation has offered special offers on Gondola ride at Makhdoom sahab ropeway for tourists/devotees from 19th of January up to 15th of March 2025. So come and grab the opportunity and enjoy the marvelous ride in the backdrop of Kohimaraan.

One- way ride, Rs. 50 only

Two-way ride Rs.75 only.

Email  :   gondolabookings@gmail.com

Phone :  9103058616

 ( 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM ) 

  New Cancellation Policy 

As  per the new cancellation policy, tickets can be cancelled only atleast 02 days prior to the visit date 

with 50% cancellation Charges

All the tourists visiting gulmarg gondola are advised to carry e-copy of their tickets in pdf format in their mobille phones / tablets. All the travel agents are also advised to provide soft copies of tickets to clients instead of hard copies to promote digital india and save environment. 

Managment, Gulmarg Gondola Project

Email  :   gondolabookings@gmail.com

Phone :  9103058616 ( 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM ) 

For general queries Contact Us at :


For cancellation of tickets Click here 

 Booking Cancellation